21 June 2010


Angel with child from a cemetery in Paris, this wonderful monument is made from a white iron.

16 June 2010

Pere Lachaise, Paris

I’ve never seen another quite like this – an unusual mirrored monument from Pere Lachaise, Paris with tiny figures depicting the life of the man buried there.

11 June 2010

Ironwork, West Norwood Cemetery

A wonderful monument with virtually intact ironwork from the Greek cemetery at West Norwood cemetery London.

10 June 2010

Pere Lachaise, Paris.

An unusual Buddhist memorial from Pere Lachaise cemetery Paris. It has ‘faces’ on all four sides.

05 June 2010

The worms of Southend Cemetery

This is the amazing scene at Southend Cemetery in Essex UK. Millions of caterpillars spinning their silk webs all over the trees. In their caterpillar stage, the bugs, known as web worms, weave leaves of trees together and eat them. They are bird cherry tree ermine moths and when they emerge fully grown, they become distinctive white moths with five rows of black dots. It gives the cemetery a kind of eerie winter wonderland feel!

03 June 2010

Burnham, Essex UK

I discovered this coffin shaped memorial in St Mary the Virgin’s churchyard in Burnham, Essex and dubbed it the camouflage coffin!

02 June 2010

City of London Cemetery

This woman from the City of London cemetery always makes me shiver no matter how warm the weather is, there is something a little creepy about her and she is also very difficult to photograph well. Her features appear very lifelike.


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