08 July 2009

New Author...

In case you guys were wondering...I built this blog so that many people could add their observations and their own cemetery pictures...I'd like to introduce you to Terri who will be writing for Cemetery Explorers periodically. She has just done her first post below and I'm glad to have her aboard. She runs her own blog as well. I suggest you check it out. www.researchingoconnells.wordpress.com ...she's also a member of GYR and Geneabloggers. Everybody say hello...


  1. Hi Deez, I received your message. I can't believe you are doing this for everyone. The new banner that I would like is for my blog A Twig In My Tree. The other one is an old one that I haven't gotten around to deleting yet.

    Thanks much, Alana

  2. Ok...I have one person ahead of you...I'll be contacting you soon...I was hoping it was that one though...I like the name...


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