05 July 2009

What's in a name?

These are just a few names I've found interesting while on my adventures through various cemeteries...

I was going to save this one for Wordless Wednesday but couldn't resist putting it in this post. The internet is said to have been created in 1989 (depending on who you talk to) The term LOL is now used and recognized worldwide. I believe it should have been laid to rest in 1981 like the person resting here...LOL. ;)

Who doesn't love a Sugar Cohn (Cone)

This picture would have been better if his middle initial was an S.

How would you pronounce this? Probably not what I think it says...


  1. Great finds - especially the LOL. Well spotted!

  2. Good ones Deez!The last one I would like to hear someone say too!


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