07 August 2009

Freaky Friday

I wish I could take credit for this pic but I can't. It was taken by Void of Silence my absent author who is currently busy with school. The photo was taken at Melaten Cemetery in Cologne, Germany. I hope to one day visit because this is only one of many interesting statues contained here. I was trying to hold off on using any of these pics but I couldn't help but share at least one. I'm hoping one day she'll do a write up when she's not so busy with school. Either way the pics she gave me of Melaten are amazing...


  1. Wow!!I want to go there!Now you have us waiting for the next ones!

  2. Some temptation! Now we have to wait for more? I can't even imagine what others there may be, let alone seeing one like this in person!

  3. I honestly thought this pic was a halloween decoration from Party City until I read the post! Whoa.


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