10 October 2009

Cemtery Explorers is taking a short break

I just wanted to let you know that for the next week posting will be minimal. I will be moving and will be without internet until next weekend. And Rebecca will be without her PC for the better part of 4 days. I have a lot of pictures I've still yet to sift through so upon my return look for some new posts. I hate moving but I'm sure glad to be getting out of the place I've been living for the last 2 years. It's definitely not the kind of living I'm used to. Well back on my feet and ready to run. Until next week people...

Also I'm always looking for authors be it a one time story you'd like to tell or a regular author like the rest of us. I'm pretty sure if you've been a reader for any period of time you recognize the format. Email me by clicking on my profile and we'll talk. And blogging isn't difficult. If you can send an email you can blog. I'll be at least able to check email from work. Let me know.

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