27 October 2009

Tombstone Tuesday

I had the opportunity to visit the Santa Clara Mission Cemetery yesterday during my lunch break. Do you ever get that sense of excitement when you pull up to a cemetery and know instantly that you're going to find something interesting? There were so many things to look at and my time was limited so I began following my 6th cemetery sense allowing it to lead me this way and that. During my search I encountered a lot of material. One of the things I came across was this marker you see pictured (click picture for larger photo as always). At first I didn't find anything special until I looked at the name. James Morrison. Of course it's not the real Jim Morrison I know. Well he is technically the real Jim Morrison but not the one we all know and love. The lead singer of The Doors. Anyone that knows me or has become my friend through Facebook knows that I'm a Doors fan and have even done some artwork with Jim Morrison as the focus.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I always pay my respects to (the) Jim Morrison when I vist Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris. The monument you found in Santa Clara Mission Cemetery is wonderful.


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