11 November 2009

Cemetery Explorers has received the Kreativ Blogger Award

Normally this post would be dedicated to Wordless Wednesday but in this case I'll make an exception. Linda over at Flipside has bestowed upon us the Kreativ Blogger Award. I would like to thank the authors contributing to Cemetery Explorers who helped make this possible. They are Becky R, Terri O'Connell and our newest contributor Jeane Trend-Hill. Thanks ladies for making this site better with your articles, insights and photography. Thanks to the readers for continuing to read and view these articles.

As a rule of receiving this award I'm required to list 7 things about myself and then pass it on to 7 other bloggers. So here goes...

1. I very much dislike Italian food although I am coming around to liking Pizza again.
2. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original) is my favorite movie of all time and I really don't like chocolate ( I know, I know)
3. I'm addicted to my laptop.
4. I'd addicted to Photoshop
5. I love a good beer
6. I think there are more women that visit cemeteries than men.
7. I like anything old. Books, pictures, buildings and of course Cemeteries

Now it's time to pass this on to 7 other bloggers...in no particular order

1. Dead Man Talking - Blogging a Dead Horse which is very well written
2. AQ - Aq the Professional - Only for those with a sick and twisted sense of humor (NSFW)
3. Cheryl - Heritage Happens - Very good researcher
4. Tina - Campo Santo Holy Ground - Showing me new places in California
5. Teri - Researching our Ancestors - Interesting insight
6. Becky - Kinnexions - I've been following her on her trip
7. Carol - Reflections from the Fence - Who would have thought being in an Rv would be so fun?

Also if my authors would like to contribute 7 things about themselves it would be cool to add to this. Also if you have any other blogs you'd like added let me know. These are just my personal choices and in no way reflect the views of the other authors...Thanks again...

Jeane Trend-Hill's 7 Things

1. I can fly a helicopter.
2. I love architecture especially Gothic, Victorian, Art Deco and Noveau.
3. I collect Victorian mourning jewellery, cards and funerary.
4. I have an irrational fear of spiders (even tiny ones.)
5. I have a menagerie of crazy animals and birds.
6. I have ten tattoos.
7. I really like cheese.

Terri O'Connell's 7 Things

So here are my 7 things:

1. I love tracing my family history.
2. I love to take pictures.
3. I love to explore the local cemeteries looking for the resting places of notable, historical people.
4. I am an animal lover, we have 3 cats and a dog.
5. I love a good road trip!
6. I am a Disney addict.
7. I have 3 kids ranging from 13 to 20!


  1. So cool, congratulations. I would love to contribute 7 things about me.

    1. I can fly a helicopter.
    2. I love architecture especially Gothic, Victorian, Art Deco and Noveau.
    3. I collect Victorian mourning jewellery, cards and funerary.
    4. I have an irrational fear of spiders (even tiny ones.)
    5. I have a menagerie of crazy animals and birds.
    6. I have ten tattoos.
    7. I really like cheese.

  2. Fly a helicopter? That's awesome... My girlfriend would like to tell you that you have similar art tastes...

  3. Thanks Deez, you do an amazing job here! By the way, I am sure there are many men that are out there exploring their local cemeteries. Just yesterday, I saw a man jogging through a local cemetery here. Ok, he wasn't exploring. But he was still in there.

    So here are my 7 things:

    1. I love tracing my family history.
    2. I love to take pictures.
    3. I love to explore the local cemeteries looking for the resting places of notable, historical people.
    4. I am an animal lover, we have 3 cats and a dog.
    5. I love a good road trip!
    6. I am a Disney addict.
    7. I have 3 kids ranging from 13 to 20!

  4. Ok, I'm a little late but I'll give it a shot.

    1. I live with my parents at the age of 28.
    2. I am a Certified Pharmacy Technician.
    3. I love World of Warcraft.
    4. Monkey Island is my favorite Puzzle PC game.
    5. I started to love cemeteries when I started working on my family tree.
    6. I have a brother and a sister.
    7. I'm proud of the way God made me.

  5. Thank you Deez for honoring me with this award, you are to kind my friend! I am forever grateful! I enjoyed reading seven things about you. I think number two was the big surprise for me, especially since you don't even like chocolate!


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