25 December 2009

Merry Christmas

The authors at Cemetery Explorers would like to wish all the readers a very Merry Christmas. I would also like to wish my fellow authors a Merry Christmas as well. This site wouldn't be half as great as it is without you. I thank anyone for whatever they can stop by and post during their busy schedules and you guys do a great job of keeping this site up and running.

I would like to also tell everyone, readers and authors alike, that we have now combined the blog with the Facebook Page of the same name. After a short discussion with the administrator, I have been made administrator of the Facebook Page as well so I will be promoting the Cemetery Explorers Blog on Facebook as well to hopefully gain more authors and more readers.

As always if anyone out there has a story they'd like published or would like to become an author please contact me by leaving a comment on a post or by email and we can talk. I'm not picky about who becomes an author. It's all about taking pictures and talking about what you see or what you feel etc...pretty easy if you ask me.

Happy Holidays everyone...


  1. Thank you for all your hard work, hope you have a great Christmas.

    Jeane XO

  2. Thank you everyone! I hope that only the happiest Christmas wishes come true.

  3. Thank you Deez for your holiday wishes. I have enjoyed reading your blog and want to give you an additional thanks for the wonderful masthead you did for Flipside. Happy Holidays and see you in 2010


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