10 December 2009

The Necropolis Glasgow

The Necropolis opened in 1833 and was the first planned cemetery in Glasgow, Scotland. In common with the other major Victorian cemeteries, it was designed as a botanic garden. From the top of the Grey Rock, 225 feet above the River Clyde, there is a wonderful view of the city. The Necropolis was one of the few cemeteries at that time which kept records of the dead, including profession, age, sex and cause of death. They reveal an appalling infant mortality with measles being a prime killer. The cemetery was intended to be non-denominational so that "Catholics could sleep in a spot associated with the name of the Holy Virgin Mary, Jews could slumber in a cave, like that of Machpelah in the field of Ephron. Lutherans could lie among nature. Quakers could lie in sequestered nooks and strict Presbyterians could obtain graves around the column which proclaims the pure and unswerving principles of John Knox”. On February 1833 the first Christian interment was carried out, that of Elizabeth Miles who was ironically the stepmother of George Myles the cemetery superintendent. Of the 50,000 interments only about 3,500 have tombs, the rest are in public graves. There are a vast array of Celtic crosses and large vaults, I felt very uncomfortable inside one of the largest as I sensed black magic rituals had taken place there. It’s quite an eerie cemetery, a mist seems to descend out of nowhere, yet just when you think it feels a little too unnerving a tiny rabbit will hop past.


  1. That place looks stunning. Is there one grave that stands out in your mind at a place like that?

  2. I love the pics. I wish America had more than just America nearby...lol.

  3. The second shot down shows the monument I mentioned that I find creepy yet intriguing. Two brothers are buried there, just 2 in a monument the size of a small church! There is also another one there where I swear I heard singing (no one else was around apart from my husband who was right over the other side.) The voices were quite angelic. I looked inside and saw a huge angel statue.

  4. Ahhhhh...chills....chills I say. I don't wanna hear or see anything outta the ordinary...lol. I'm a chicken...

  5. Most graveyards are in my opinion ‘peaceful’. Not many spirits want to hang out where they are buried! I find they tend to be more associated with somewhere they lived or worked.


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