01 December 2009

Tombstone Tuesday

My Mom recently came home to Chicago for  a short visit. We had to take a road trip to Ohio for a family funeral, so she flew here and we drove to Ohio. While in town for such a short visit, we went to Rosehill Cemetery to visit her father and other relatives. 

When my Grandfather passed in 2000, Mom purchased her plot. She had it set that she would be buried at the feet of her parents. There was some screw up at the cemetery and the sold her plot to another family.  They compensated this mistake by giving her a marker, which has been placed on her plot since. The photo to the right is of Mom, at her plot, with her headstone. They do not make things funnier then this. I tried getting her to lie down on her plot and cross her arms like she was dead, though we all got a good laugh out of the idea. She told me I was morbid, I had to settle for this photo. She would kill me if she saw that I put this out there, but home many times do we go to the cemetery and cry over the deaths of our loved ones? We had a good laugh here, and I will remember this for a long time. 


  1. That is slightly morbid but not has morbid has what I want played at my funeral. If you haven't guess it, I want Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" going as I am lowered into the ground.

  2. Great story Terri.
    Lol Becky R. I want 'Immortality' played at mine, hee hee.

  3. I never really gave much thought to what I want played at my funeral. But this post and you ladies have me cracking up...

  4. Thanks everyone. We need to find more humor in life.
    Deez, I never though about my funeral at all!

  5. My wife and I have a plot here in historic Lone For and have thought of having our picture taken lying down in the proper place. Maybe next year's Xmas card.

  6. I think you should do it! It is good for a laugh now!


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