15 January 2010

Deez the Professional Mourner

(Click the picture to enlarge)
I came across this memorial while walking through Galt-Arno Cemetery in Galt, CA. Where is Galt? It's just south of Sacramento and the only reason I've heard of it was because we have this crazy guy at work that's actually from there. Anyway I'm not usually affected when I go to cemeteries but the inscription on this stone was written by a husband to his wife of just 4 years. I could tell it was written straight from the heart by a husband that loved his wife more than anything in this world. I had to take some time and step away after reading it and couldn't even look in it's direction for a little while. It was all I could do to come back and take a picture of the front of it. As I stepped back to take a picture of the front it had a picture of the husband and wife on the front of it. There was no date of death for the husband and I thought to myself that if his love went that deep how he must still be grieving. I had to keep wiping my eyes because the flood of emotion was terrible. There were other people in the cemetery and I kept thinking they must think I know these people. The must have thought it was strange that after I was done that I got up and visited several more stones, dusted leaves off the one you couldn't see and stood fallen flowers upright. But I still couldn't shake the thought of the husband as he wrote this letter to his wife after death. It could use some cleaning and one day I hope to make the hour plus drive back to do just that...


  1. So very moving, some of them really do tug at the heart strings.

  2. Whew. That we could all experience a love like that.

  3. Aww that is so sad but at the same time so lovely, thanks for sharing that.

  4. I agree, to have loved like this is a precious gift. Better to loved and lost, than never to have loved at all...
    I would be bawling if I stumbled across a tribute like this. Thanks Joe for sharing.


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