11 January 2010

a small piece of Sacramento Historic City Cemetery.

I took a trip with Kathy and Patti, to the Sacramento Historic City Cemetery, where we spent the whole day driving through (yes, driving, the cemetery covers approximately 44 acres!), taking pictures till our batteries were exhausted and our cards were stuffed, all the while "oohing" and "aahing" over every single thing in there. The cemetery is beautiful beyond words. But before my battery took it's last breath, I found a plot with a statue in it that I immediately fell in love with, and snapped a couple shots. It was only after catching a piece of a show on PBS that I learned the history of the people resting there, and I fell in love all over again. After some research on the internet, I found the clip of that show on YouTube, and figured that they would sum it up better than I could, and besides, the Cemetery wants to add it's own plug too right? The whole cemetery is practically run on volunteer manpower! So here it is:

This Cemetery is one of those places everyone should visit. The art, architecture, history, combined with so many cultural influences, makes this a place anyone could appreciate. There are sections devoted to Military, Masons, Firemen, Politicians......Among their 25,000 plus residents, they have Civil War Veterans, the burials of hundreds of deaths due to the 1850 Cholera Epidemic, Donner Party Survivors and probably their most famous resident, John Sutter.


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