22 February 2010

Blogger to Blogger

This post will contain no pictures but it will contain a great story that has recently been brought to my attention by a fellow blogger. Terri is one of our occasional authors and just posted a story on her Facebook page linking to another blog called Last2CU . I will not attempt to recreate this story because I feel that it's best told by the author. Normally I wouldn't link to another blog because hey I want you to read mine. But in this case the story was so compelling that I had to show everyone what had just read. It's just crazy what people do sometimes. In this case a small family cemetery was destroyed by a contractor and this is the woman's story to discover what happened to her relatives long ago. Click here to read the full story as told by Ruth Coker the owner of Last2CU


  1. Many, Many thanks..I thought I was all alone on this one..all of my elders are deceased! no brothers or sisters..Thank you!

  2. Deez, thanks for posting this here. It never occurred to me to post it here. I sincerely hope that everyone will send emails and help right this horrible situation.


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